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Thought for the day - What are people looking at?

I took a quick look at the stats for the number of views on each page to see what people were interested in. At the top I was pleased to see a focus on what to do before an event and racing on the day. There was a lot of interest in rigs, sails and the boat build. Slightly disappointed to see that racing rules can well down the list and only 56 people took a look. Fingers crossed you have all studied the rules from other sources.

Just to check your rules knowledge, a rule starter for 10. You make your final tack onto starboard into a port rounded windward mark within the zone just in the way of a line of boats charging in on starboard. What rights do you have? If you don't know the answer its time for a bit of revision.

The thought for the day posts are being read by 20 to 30 people and I hope you are enjoying them. It is a good challenge to think of something meaningful every day and the ideas keep on coming. Look out for a few sketches form my better half.

The leak tracking goes on. The bow is fixed, the pin holes are OK but there is one annoying tiny leak through the fin box which I still have to find. It is only minor but stops me sailing a dry boat. I slapped a load of vaseline around the fin and that cured it so out for a test this afternoon to see if I have finally solved the problem. Watch this space.

My boat was leaking

Graphics by Sam Barrow

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