All that is left is to cut the mast at the right length, fit to the boat, add the backstay and jib and then finish off the ends of the shrouds.
To cut the mast to the right length, I used a dummy tube inserted into the mast hole and marked off the lower and upper deck levels and the position where I wanted the gooseneck and the lower limit band. This must be no less than 60mm above the lower deck level but on the Alternative it is approx 74mm. Then I just measure down from the lower limit on the actual mast to the bottom with the dummy mast and cut.
Super glued the mast head and heel fitting (once the mast had been cut to the right length) so they would not move. Then I put the mast in the boat, attached the jib and the backstay and set the mast up straight to the rake on the plan. After, I attached the fittings on the ends of the shrouds and fixed the rigging screws to the boat. The rig was tensioned lightly so the main can be fitted and the rig tuned.
One last job is to find a way to stop the mast accidentally rotating. The advice is to use the gooseneck. Unfortunately the goosenecks I use don't quite lock the mast in place so I will have to find another solution.
There are a few pictures of the completed B rig below
Topping lift for the jib

Use of cable ties on the jib tack. So much neater than my previous efforts

Jib head detail. The only oversight here was the fact that my leach line was permanently attached to the jib boom. Could make an interesting measuring challange.

The completed rig

I use sail ties but be especially careful to tie them so the luff is the same distance form the mast otherwise you can introduce hard spots in the luff.

Making a termination for the shrouds. Once you have done a few of these, they are easy and quick to make. The specialist pliers help enormously.

More detail on the jib tack

The mast head detail. The cord is some old nylon line used by Ford for car seats etc in the
1970's. It was given to me by a friend who used to work there. Its tough as old boots and been sitting in the garage for 30 years. Finally I have a use for it. Only 2998 metres to use up.

The C rig was finished yesterday.
Next steps. Fit the correctors with velcro in the bottom of the boat. Add a 20 gram weigh somewhere so I have some slack for any minor weight changes if needed. Seal in radio pot and tune up the rigs in the house.