The PG masts from David Potter Solutions arrived a couple of days ago. For those interested there is a 20 gm difference between the Housemartin and the PG spar. I have heard that Sailsetc spars
come somewhere in between. The weights were 99 and 79gms. I haven't done a measurement on stiffness but I am sure someone out there has. They both fee pretty good. The prebend is 15 mm over 600mm on the A rig and 40mm on the B rig with one on the C rig.
The A and B rig arrived with with a clear mark on each showing the exact point where the prebend started. After marking up using the dimensions from the boat plan, I laid the mast on a long table. Use a couple of pink block from sailsetc (see picture) or something similar to make sure the holes are in the correct position. To start, I fitted one of the pink blocks and aligned the mast so the prebend was exactly vertical off the table. I could then drill the forestay hole and align every thing to that knowing that each hole would be aligned fore and aft or perpendicular in the case of the spreaders.
The gooseneck is glued on with superglue before drilling and fixing with a coupe of squares of deck patch material under the bottom of the gooseneck.
The boom just needs drilling in the same manner as above.
Using the pink drill blocks to align the pre bend with holes for the jib, shrouds, spreaders and gooseneck.

Boom attached to mast with roller bearing gooseneck. I used ordinary gooseneck on the B and C rigs as they are always under load from the wind.

I use these spreaders now because I was forever losing the ends of the brass tube spreaders I had previously.

The final solution for the headsail. The wire is locked in a bows inside the mast and a wire fashioned for the hook. The other wire is the topping lift. I can confirm the jib boom now moves freely in any direction in no wind. Mission accomplished. It only took 9 months to solve.
