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So how is X+1 working out

As I wait to find out why gas is not getting through to the fridge on the van, I thought I would pen an update on the latest Proteus testing.

The initial signs as mentioned in the previous post were not promising in the very lightest of wind

X+1 is an extreme version of the Proteus concept with a much fuller forward section designed to provide lift and overcome the nosediving of the earlier versions. We tried sailing in very light weather 0-4mph and the design appeared to be a bit draggy. However when testing at Frensham and later racing at Emsworth last week we started in light weather and the boat showed promise against the Britpops at the club. Acceleration was good and the boat showed speed downwind with no tendency to nose dive as the breeze built.

Craig, not being one to go slow on enhancements has penned a slightly more conservative design which will be on show at the ranking event this weekend.

So if the wind is light next weekend at the Scarborough ranking, I will use the proven narrow boat, and if there is likely to be more than 10 mph I will use X+1. Switching boats is no problem as the rigs, fin and receiver are the only things to change.

So even though I am only a spectator, I think there is a huge benefit in using 3 d printing for design development. Put the initial design on the CAD system, convert the files, print the boat, test on the water, make the observations for change, adjust the CAD design, rinse and repeat. If one had the time, this could be a weekly cycle if the weather cooperates.

Material wise, we have settled on pla+ with a single layer of glass over the hull. It provides a stiffness greater than epoxy glass and we use similar amounts of correctors. It may not be quite up to International standard yet but it is very close.


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