Yesterday sailing with A rig, my RMG J series winch started screaching at me and refused to sheet in so off with that one and in with a spare red ant.
Today in similar conditions, the sprung loaded retaining drum decided to go on strike occassionally. I have to the Gordon McGuire and Grant Cooper for sourcing a standard 40mm drum. Simplicity is everything. Fingers crossed end of winch problems. The boat is looking good and quick and we had some small races for a bit of fun. The site is coming together rapidly. I am so impressed how speedy things can get done here and we are all grateful to the sponsors who have given significant time and resources for this event. I believe this is going to be a special edition of the IOM worlds. For a full update on what is happening, Goto the Iomworlds web site.
So far the weather is playing ball and we should in for a week of A and B rigs.